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Green Open access: Self-archiving in Iris UNIVPM

The Polytechnic University of Marche promotes Green Open access through Iris UNIVPM, the institutional repository in which academic staff are invited to deposit scientific research publications, making them publicly available.


IRIS UNIVPM collects articles, monographs, essays, curatele, speeches to conferences, phd thesis. It is the source of data sent to various applications, ministerial and internal to the administration (LoginMiur teacher site, MIUR evaluation procedures, departmental pages, other public portals), as well as a tool for research analysis and evaluation.


It is searchable online by anyone, anywhere in the world and without any login.


It is synchronized with loginmiur, that is, it automatically sends data on their publications to the personal pages of authors related to UNIVPM.


It complies with the OAI.PMH standard for the public exploitation of content in Open access.


It's a secure personal archive


It is designed to give content maximum visibility for general search engines such as Google and Google Scholar, as well as for search engines typical of the Open access world: Base, Scientific Commons, OAIster.


It is interoperable and integrated with ORCID and bibliographic/bibliometric databases, in particular Web of Science, Scopus and Journal Citation Report from which it retrieves identifiers, citations, other bibliographic/bibliometric data.


How to log in  

To access your personal area in the back office, click Login on the home page and enter your university credentials (username and password).

Depending on the permissions you have been granted, you may have the option to choose between: 

  • Personal view: this allows you to manage your publications and your profile within the archive.

  • Departmental vision: which is attributed to the contact persons of the structure (directors, administrative managers...) to perform typical tasks in your organizational function

  • Comprehensive view—this is primarily for system administrators.



Join Iris UNIVPM