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The mandates of the financial institutions

Over the years , the focus on Open Science has gradually increased. At present, many national and international bodies and institutions, which fund research projects, include in their mandates the request for open access dissemination of publications.


This is already the case for publications produced in the context of research projects funded by the European Commission and related entities, by members of Coalition s and members of Plan s, by the MUR national program PRIN 2015, PRIN 2017 and PRIN 2020 and in general, for articles in scientific journals that come from research projects funded at least 50% from public funds (Law No 112/2013).



Focus on Horizon Europe

In Horizon Europe , the European Commission has emphasized the policies adopted on Open access, including a series of actions to promote Open Science, starting from the proposal phase to project reporting.
Project beneficiaries must ensure open access to scientific publications and the management of research data according to the principle of ‘as open as possible as closed as necessary’.


For more information on the program, read the Guide to Open Science in Horizon Europe by Elena Giglia (United States).

More information and documents are available on the following pages:

Guide to Open Science in Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe Program website

Factsheet: Open science in Horizon Europe 

Horizon Europe OPENS