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Retrieving Scopus and WOS codes

It is strongly recommended to enter ISI/WOS and Scopus codes (if available). If at least one of the codes is not present, the product is not counted for evaluation purposes, for example in the case of simulating the indicators related to scientific production in relation to the thresholds of the National Scientific Enablement (ASN),nor is the citation data retrieved.


Where can I find the codes?

to find the Scopus code you need to open the database and search for your publication, then look at the URL of your publication. The code is the number that appears between eid= and the &.




to find the Scopus code you need to open the database and search for your publication, then look at the URL of your publication. The code is the number that appears at the end of the string. Note the prefix “WOS:” must also be included in Iris.




Automatic code retrieval

WOS and Scopus codes to be associated with a publication already on file can be automatically retrieved using the Iris Repository Quality Tool.


How to do it

From the left menu select products > Archive Quality > Identifiers.

A search form opens with, below it, a list of publications for which Iris proposes possible associations automatically with the retrieved identifier, based on some criteria displayed in the Recognition Mode column.

The correctness of the proposed link should be checked by comparing the Iris tab, which opens by clicking on the title in the publication column and the WOS and/or Scopus tab, it opens by clicking on its icon in the Service column.

After verifying that the proposed match is correct, click on the joined chain icon to attach, this will automatically insert the code into the publication tab; otherwise, if the proposed match is incorrect, click on thebroken chain icon. The code will not be docked to the card and the potential pairing will no longer be repeated by the system.


(Last updated: 30 June 2023)