If your work wasoriginally published in Open access, please attach the Publisher Version/Version of Record in “Open access” or “Open access with embargo” (if required) and its license of use.
If your work has been published in a location accessible only by subscription and you have signed a Copyright Transfer Agreement,the publisher shall decidewhich version of the contribution may be filed in Open access and under which license. Please review your OA policy and attach the version that is allowed for open access (usually post-print or pre-print), in accordance with your guidelines. Perhaps you prefer post-print to pre-print, because it is the closest version to the one finally published.
You can attach multiple files for the same publication: In this case, it is suggested that you always upload the restricted access editorial version and send only this to the loginMIUR site (Instructor page) for use in national evaluation procedures, like VQR and ASN.
For more information on publication versions (pre-print, post-print, editorial version) click HERE.
How to attach files
The attachment Upload page is divided into two sections: In the middle section there is a section dedicated to uploading files; on the right side there is information about access policies defined by publishers and retrieved from various external databases.
Fig.1: Tile Upload Section (Middle)
Fig. 2: Publishers policy section, UnPaywall, SHERPA-ROMEO And DOAJ (right)
Publishers policy section, UnPaywall, SHERPA-ROMEO And DOAJ (right)
The purpose of the section on the right is to provide the user, who is census the publication, with immediate support in choosing the policies to associate with the publication file.
If the magazine listed in the publication is listed in the Directory of Open access Journals (DOAJ) database, the information section is displayed, which also contains the date on which the magazine became open access (the date is important because if the product was published earlier, it may not be available to file in Open access.) If you have published in a magazine listed in DOAJ and then Open access, you can file the open-access Editorial version in Iris.
The information section with the data retrieved from the Unpaywall database is only present if the Doi is indicated in the submission. The section contains the following information:
the link to the published open access pdf file. If the link to the public file is not available instead, the link to the online page (landing page) is shown.
In case of publication not available in Open access, in this information section you will find only the last point with the indication " Open access type (OA):closed"
The section in which the information retrieved by SHERPA-Romeo is displayed is activated if present in submission an ISSN recorded in SHERPA-Romeo.
The information box contains:
Link to the Sherpa Romeo magazine page;
Publisher policies and details for each individual version(s), which can be found by expanding the individual sections - submitted (Pre-print)
- accepted (Post-print) - published
To the right of each retrieved policy are icons (for which a descriptive legend has been added) that indicate that there are some constraints that must be met in order to file the open access attachment:
- the green tick indicates that the version under consideration can be deposited with "open-access" settings, of course if all the constraints imposed by the publisher for that specific version are respected.
- the icon shall be displayed inmixed casesor on multiple-occurrence versions of which only some provide open-access storage. For example, if there are two occurrences of the accepted version but only one does not meet the requirements, the "" will appear in the version name "accepted"; this prompts the user to review the details of each occurrence expected for that specific version (see image example below).
- The red "X" shall be displayed when the following conditions are met:
Open access file storage is not permitted;
while open access file storage is permitted, the version(s) under review does not meet all of the requirements. One cause that could lead to the "X" being displayed is that there are no allowed repository types; currently the allowed repository types (to which Iris can be traced) are: Any_repository, any_website, institutional_repository, non_commercial_institutional_repository, non_commercial_website, non_commercial_repository;
By accessing the contents of the expandable sections you will have detailed information for each individual version:
Embargo (months embargo)
Location (list of allowed repository types)
OA fee (presence of fees -Yes/no)
Licenses (publisher required)
Funder requirements (list of funders with link to Sherpa Romeo page detailing funder-imposed conditions)
If you want to read more about the policies applied by the publisher for the particular magazine and to consult the self-archiving policies, you can visit the Sherpa-Romeo website.
CAUTION: Sherpa Romeo's content is intended to support the academic authoritarian community and therefore has no legal value. Therefore, the terms of the contract between authors and publishers remain decisive. This is especially true for contributions published in journals not listed in Sherpa-Romeo and for those not published in journals for which reference should be made to the contract (in these cases, it may also be useful to check whether the publisher reports the open access policy on its site.)
File Upload section (middle)
After consulting the above information boxes, please upload the attachment and fill in the fields in the central section. Below you will find the instincts for filling in each individual field, click on the arrows to expand each section.
File selection ▲
The recommended file format is Searchable PDF, i.e. not image. If the document falls under the «other type» (see next field), you can use the open formats: PDF, RTF, ODT, TEX, HTML, JPEG, PNG.
The file should be named as follows: Last name first author_first-words-of-title-excluded-special-characters_year of pubblicazione.pdf
For the typologies of Group 2-volumecontribution and for Type 4.1 contribution in conference proceedings (when published in volume) in addition to the contribution of the author , the title page and the index of the volume must also be attached. You can upload a single file containing the contribution and additional information, or up to four separate files. In the latter case, properly name the files so that their contents are clear, for example, the index file should be named as follows: Cognome_indice_prime-parole-del-titolo_anno.pdf.
In this field, you can enter any statement that you want to associate with the publication if requested by the publisher. The text is displayed on the Iris public portal.
Type ▲
Refers to the type and/or version of the Annex. For more information on the versions of the publication go tohelp.
Pre-printed document (manuscript sent to the publisher prior to peer review): this is the original draft submitted to the magazine. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors.
Post-printed document (post-peer reviewed and accepted for publication): this is the version accepted by the publisher/journal for publication after peer review. DOES NOT present the final editorial layout (logo, pagination, price…).
Editorial version (version published with the layout of the publisher): this is the final version, which is set up in the format provided by the publisher. Do not confuseearly access or ahead of print (editorial version available online, prior to volume/issue) or proofs with pre-print and post-print. These are always editorial versions.
Other attached material: Indexes, tables, charts, images, cover page, bibliography, patent material and any other type of document or part not covered by the other definitions.
Abstract: Brief presentation of a scientific study.
Doctoral thesis: The final version of the thesis submitted to the administrative offices for discussion.
Contract with the publisher: Contract with the publisher for publication.
Login settings▶
Regulate the visibility of the annexes on the Iris public portal. Once you have verified the version allowed for the open access repository, choose the appropriate policy from:
Open access: An attachment that is immediately accessible and downloadable by any user.
Embargoed Open access: Attachment accessible and downloadable by any user only from the embargoedor stated end date.
The expiry of the embargo is reported in Iris by means of a calendar and is calculated by adding to the date of the first online publication the months indicated in the magazine’s policy or, in any case, complying with the provisions of Italian law (Law No 112 of 7 October 2013, paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of art. 4) which provides for a maximum of 18 months for publications in the scientific, technical and medical disciplinary areas and 24 months for publications in the humanities and social sciences fields.
Recognized users: attachment accessible and downloadable only by users authenticated in Iris UNIVPM (the academic community UNIVPM).
Archive Managers only: This is equivalent to reserved access. Theattachment will be accessible only to recognized authors of the publication, system administrators and super-users.
Note: In case of OA option, the author/author responsible for the data, by accepting the filing license to UNIVPM (last step of the insertion of the product sheet), proves that he has given notice to the other holders of paternity rights (so-called co-authors) the work that is made available in open access in Iris for the purposes set out in the institution’s policy.
▲ License of use
Defines the permission for distribution, reproduction and use granted to the users of the work. After verifying the publisher's license, follow the instructions below.
If you selected onlyrecognized users or Archive Managers in the access Settings (previous field), the only matching license is all Rights Reserved.Choose this combination when the publication is not accessible/reproducible/reusable without the express permission of the publisher or author/author. If you chose Open accessandOpen access embargoed in the access Settings the matching licenses are: - Creative Commons (CC) when the author wants to specifywhich rights of use and distribution(commercial use, modification and redistribution, etc.)are granted to the userand which are not; - specific license of the publisher (attach) in cases where the license agreed with the publisher permits certain uses of the work, but it is not attributable to any of the Creative Commons licenses. N.B. If this license is included, for the benefit of the validation activity, the signed publishing contract must also be attached to the form, to which they must be associated as a type “contract with the publisher”, as an access policy “only archive managers” and as a use license “all rights reserved”. It is also possible to attach only an extract from the contract, indicating the permitted uses for the work.
- Public domain - no public domain rights when the contributionis not, or no longer, protected by copyright and is therefore freely downloadable and reusablewithout any authorization from the authors.Warning: in this case, the Data Controller knowingly waives all rights to his work. EXCEPTION: The all Rights Reserved license can be combined with Open access and Open access embargoedonly and onlyin cases where the publisher, to whom all the rights have been transferred and thereforeholds the copyright, still allows the filing in open access (free grade) of a version of the publication, butit does not allow any other use of it than personal use and online reading only. N.B. this choice should be limited as much as possible; it is always preferable to combine Open access with Creative Commons licenses that guarantee real open access to
Creative Commons after having when this option is selected, a pop-up will open with two questions (see table) that allow you to choose the appropriate license.
License to insert
Do you allow your work to be used for commercial purposes?
Attribution – non-commercial – non-derivative works CC-BY-NC-ND
Click on the license letters in the first column to read the details of the uses allowed to the users . For more information download the help and check out https://creativecommons.it/chapterIT/
caution: if your title is native to Open access, surely the editorial version file has its Creative Commons listed, so when you upload it to Iris, it associates the same CC license with the file, answering the questions properly.
This field can be used to communicate with Admin/Validator users as the text is not exposed on the public portal but will only be visible in back-office mode.