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Loading Open access attachments


  • If your work was originally published in Open access, please attach the Publisher Version/Version of Record in “Open access” or “Open access with embargo” (if required) and its license of use.

  • If your work has been published in a location accessible only by subscription and you have signed a  Copyright Transfer Agreement, the publisher shall decide which version of the contribution may be filed in Open access and under which license.
    Please review your 
    OA policy and attach the version that is allowed for open access (usually post-print or pre-print), in accordance with your guidelines. 
    Perhaps you prefer post-print to pre-print, because it is the closest version to the one finally published. 

    You can attach multiple files for the same publication: In this case, it is suggested that you always upload the restricted access editorial version and send only this to the loginMIUR site (Instructor page) for use in national evaluation procedures, like VQR and ASN. 
For more information on  publication versions (pre-print, post-print, editorial version)  click  HERE.

Unsure about your publisher's OA policy?Check your agreement with the publisher , or check their Self-archiving Policy page. or check out the  Sherpa-Romeo database , which lists the open access policies of major international publishers! In Iris you will find the Sherpa-Romeo link in the attachment entry screen, read on to learn how to use it. 


How to attach files

The attachment Upload page is divided into two sections: In the middle section there is a section dedicated to uploading files; on the right side there is information about access policies defined by publishers and retrieved from various external databases.

 Middle part Fig.1: Tile Upload Section (Middle) 

Box to the right Fig. 2: Publishers policy section, UnPaywall, SHERPA-ROMEO And DOAJ (right)


Publishers policy section, UnPaywall, SHERPA-ROMEO And DOAJ (right)

The purpose of the section on the right is to provide the user, who is census the publication, with immediate support in choosing the policies to associate with the publication file.



If the magazine listed in the publication is listed in the Directory of Open access Journals (DOAJ) database, the information section is displayed, which also contains the date on which the magazine became open access (the date is important because if the product was published earlier, it may not be available to file in Open access.) If you have published in a magazine listed in DOAJ and then Open access, you can file the open-access Editorial version in Iris.



The information section with the data retrieved from the Unpaywall database is only present if the Doi is indicated in the submission. The section contains the following information:

  • the link to the published open access pdf file. If the link to the public file is not available instead, the link to the online page (landing page) is shown.
  • license expected for open access
  • version type
  • open-access typology (gold, green, closed, hybrid, bronze)
In case of publication not available in Open access, in this information section you will find only the last point with the indication " Open access type (OA):  closed"



The section in which the information retrieved by SHERPA-Romeo is displayed is activated if present in submission an ISSN recorded in SHERPA-Romeo.

The information box contains:

  • Link to the Sherpa Romeo magazine page;
  • Publisher policies and details for each individual version(s), which can be found by expanding the individual sections
    - submitted (Pre-print)

    - accepted (Post-print) - published

To the right of each retrieved policy are icons (for which a descriptive legend has been added) that indicate that there are some constraints that must be met in order to file the open access attachment:

 - the green tick indicates that the version under consideration can be deposited with "open-access" settings, of course if all the constraints imposed by the publisher for that specific version are respected.

 - the icon shall be displayed in mixed cases or on multiple-occurrence versions of which only some provide open-access storage. For example, if there are two occurrences of the accepted version but only one does not meet the requirements, the "" will appear in the version name "accepted"; this prompts the user to review the details of each occurrence expected for that specific version (see image example below).

   - The red "X" shall be displayed when the following conditions are met:

  • Open access file storage is not permitted; 
  • while open access file storage is permitted, the version(s) under review does not meet all of the requirements. One cause that could lead to the "X" being displayed is that there are no allowed repository types; currently the allowed repository types (to which Iris can be traced) are: Any_repository, any_website, institutional_repository, non_commercial_institutional_repository, non_commercial_website, non_commercial_repository;

By accessing the contents of the expandable sections you will have detailed information for each individual version:

  • Embargo (months embargo)
  • Conditions
  • Location (list of allowed repository types)
  • OA fee (presence of fees -Yes/no)
  • Licenses (publisher required)
  • Funder requirements (list of funders with link to Sherpa Romeo page detailing funder-imposed conditions)

If you want to read more about the policies applied by the publisher for the particular magazine and to consult the self-archiving policies, you can visit the Sherpa-Romeo website.

CAUTION: Sherpa Romeo's content is intended to support the academic authoritarian community and therefore has no legal value. Therefore, the terms of the contract between authors and publishers remain decisive. This is especially true for contributions published in journals not listed in Sherpa-Romeo and for those not published in journals for which reference should be made to the contract (in these cases, it may also be useful to check whether the publisher reports the open access policy on its site.)


File Upload section (middle)


After consulting the above information boxes, please upload the attachment and fill in the fields in the central section. Below you will find the instincts for filling in each individual field, click on the arrows to expand each section.

  • File selection


  • Description


  • Type


  • Login settings


  • ▲ License of use
  • Notes


(Last updated: 28 November 2023)